Programme (FOP)

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Group 2

Freshman Orientation Camp

Ek Hohn

Project Director (PD)

Hey! I’m Ek Hohn, the CAPT FOC 2024 Project Director. As one of the first experiences our CAPT freshmen has when entering university, we aim to orientate our new CAPTains to our warm and friendly CAPT community. We have planned a series of exciting activities, team-building exercises, and informative sessions that will give freshmen a taste of what it means to be a CAPTain. It is also a time to get to know fellow freshmen, meet seniors, and interact with the friendly and supportive faculty and staff.

CAPT is not just a place to stay at while you pursue your studies; it is a home where you will grow, learn, and create lasting memories. So, if you are interested in what you see, do consider signing up for our RC and joining our orientation! You won’t regret it!

Lin Li

Vice Project Director (VPD)

Hello! I’m Lin Li, CAPT FOC 2024’s Vice Project Director! This year’s theme of harmony and unity truly embodies the spirit of CAPT, where we strive to foster a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect. At CAPT, we believe in the power of living and learning together, where every individual contributes to a supportive community. Throughout our time here, we not only gain knowledge but also create lasting memories with friends – whether it’s through late-night study sessions or heartfelt conversations over supper. We are excited to introduce our freshmen to this enriching CAPT experience right from their first day. During orientation, freshmen will have opportunities to connect with one another, and form bonds that will shape their journey ahead. We look forward to welcoming them into our CAPT family and creating meaningful experiences together!

Qiao Yi

Admin / Finance

We’re a tiny but extremely efficient team that churns out forms and spreadsheets to make FOC happen! From the most menial admin tasks to handling our camp budget, our subcommittee Excels at everything we do!



Our team plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of FOC’s internal committee. We play a part in fostering a sense of camaraderie to bring the facilitation to fruition through bonding activities. We also liaise with external companies to procure sponsorships in order to get goodies for all!


Programmes / Logistics

We are the team behind the FOC Programme. Through our many brainstorming sessions, we have tested and refined a multitude of activities with the aim of providing the most enjoyable FOC experience. We hope that everyone will have a memorable FOC experience that will be remembered fondly throughout the rest of their CAPT journey!



We are a team of creatives who ideate and execute the designs you see on your FOC shirts, Instagram page and e-booklet, to name a few. Procreate and Adobe softwares are our best friends!

Our Vision

Forging new memories, meeting lifelong friends, and joining a once-in-a-lifetime community.

Our Mission

Inspiring freshmen to shape their own CAPT experience.

Stay Tuned!

Freshman Orientation Camp

Calling our incoming freshmen: Stay updated with us and get excited for what’s coming up!

CAPT Rag & Flag

Meet fellow CAPTains and give back to the community! Sign up for an awesome time!