Sweat it out in the various Sports IGs right here in CAPT!
The best thing about badminton is that we love hitting feathered projectiles with a net and stick, across another net.
IG Heads: Pang Yen (Phoenix), Yien Ning (Garuda)

The best thing about Basketball is that we don’t just play basketball but we are a family who always inspire and challenge each other to become better. Teammates on the court and friends/family off the court. I love the basketball culture that we are able to create here, where everyone is welcomed and many pick-up basketball in CAPT and slowly learn and improve through the months and eventually are able to play ICG & ING.
IG Head (F): Chloe (Phoenix)
IG Heads (M): Jason (Phoenix), Nicholas (Tulpar), Gabriel (Garuda)

Captain's Ball
The best thing about captain’s ball is the people, the ball & the people playing with the ball!
IG Heads: Megan (Garuda), Ruiheng (Garuda), MengKai (Garuda)

Your friendly fitness hub for smashing goals and having a blast! Jump
into our energizing workouts, make friends, and embark on a journey to a
happier, healthier you.
IG Heads: Gabriel (Garuda), Bennett (Roc)

CAPT Climbing is a home to all people who climb, whether you’re a beginner or experienced climber. It may seem really scary and tough, but we’re here to fail, overcome our limits and grow together. We encourage each other to climb towards new heights!
IG Heads: Pang Jan (Tulpar), Huixin (Garuda)

I guess the best thing about dodgeball is really how much fun everyone can have during the IG sessions. It’s a really easy sport to pick up so everyone’s able to have fun together. Sometimes dodgeball is largely based on lucky shots that are unexpected so in the actual game or IG session we get to see so many sick plays or “flukes” and it ends up being really funny at times! It’s just a mixture of random taunts and plays during the session itself that makes the sport so fun especially with the CAPT dodge community.
IG Heads: Jasmine (Garuda), MengKai (Garuda)

The best thing about floorball is the community and group of friends that has been formed through this IG. This community encourages each other to go down regularly for sessions, especially those new to the sport, which is heartening to see.
IG Heads: Gloria (Garuda), Matthias (Garuda)

The best thing about Football IG is the friendly competition between everyone & all the laughter goes around!
IG Heads: Ethan (Garuda), Ritvik (Dragon), Dilys (Phoenix)

The best thing about Kin-Ball is that it’s not just a game, it’s a community where teamwork triumphs and fun knows no bounds!
IG Heads: Isaac (Garuda), Naomi (Tulpar)

The best thing about netball is that It is a game that brings people together, through fun, teamwork, and unforgettable moments
IG Heads: Megan (Garuda), Sarah (Roc)

The best thing about spikeball is the community that we play with. Given that everyone is new to the game, we are very beginner friendly and we always encourage new players to try out new methods to play the game.
IG Heads: Shashank (Garuda), Matthias (Roc)

The best thing about squash is the long lasting friendships we build along the way on and off the court.
IG Heads: Lynnette (Dragon), Arielle (Roc)

Table Tennis
What I enjoy most about Table Tennis is the people and how each and every individual contributes uniquely to the liveliness and dynamism.
IG Heads: Hongchen (Phoenix), Wei Fei (Phoenix)

We’re a non-contact sport all about strategy and teamwork! There are many good things about Tchoukball, but the best part has to be the camaraderie made! We always cheer loudly and we high-five each other throughout every game played.
IG Heads: Dao Yong (Phoenix), Ian (Dragon)

The tennis community in CAPT is extremely encouraging and we help each other learn about the sport and grow. No matter whether you win or lose, you’ll be glad you played this beautiful sport! Tennis is a reflection of life; it’s often difficult and character building but with persistent work, the rewards are wonderful!
IG Heads: Clarence (Dragon), Ivan (Phoenix)

Touch Rugby
Touch rugby is 50% communication + 50% teamwork + 10% laughing at ourselves = 110% good times all around! Even though the sport is a little tough to pick up, the people are the best part and make everything way more fun and exciting.
IG Heads: Kevin (Garuda), Phoebe (Tulpar)

Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is all about enjoying the sport and encouraging each other as we improve. We welcome anyone (who is willing to het sunburnt) with open arms, as long as they’re interested!
IG Heads: Andrea (Garuda), Jago (Dragon)

Volleyball is all about teamwork and trusting your teammates! There’s nothing like the feeling of being a part of a team and knowing my friends will have my back and be there for me through it all.
IG Heads: Sham (Phoenix), Marion (Dragon)