Welcome to Dragon

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House Heads 

Love (left) and Le Qian (right)

House Heads Message


Our humble abode is situated on the 6th , 7th and 8th floor of CAPT. 🏠 Dragon is a wholesome and inclusive community where anyone can safely call home. 💚 We are one big loving family and our favourite activities include eating, playing and slaying. 💅🏼 Our house is also home to many talents ranging from singers to dancers to athletes! 🤩

What have we been up to?

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Dragon Buddies

Marking the start of the new Academic Year, Dragon Buddies provided Dragon members with the opportunity to bond with their respective pairs. Connecting through lunch jios, lounge games and phototaking, this marked the start of every Dragon’s journey in CAPT!

Open Mic

Dragon’s very own Open Mic event showcased the hidden talents of all our Dragons! From singers and bands to dancers, Dragon members were excited to show support for all their fellow house mates!

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End of Sem Party

To celebrate the end of Finals and the first semester in Dragon, fellow members were invited to gather together in a night of fun and games to celebrate the end of exams and the start of the winter holidays.

Our Friendly RF and RAs!


Dragon’s Residential Fellow

Dr Daniel Jew

Residential Assistant 

Ye Ting

Residential Assistant 


Residential Assistant 


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