Publicity Committee

Artists? Creatives? That’s us - The face of CAPT to the world.



Director's Message

Welcome to Pubs! I am Rowena, the Director of Publicity (or some would affectionately call pubs queen). 

Pubs is home to artists who love to create and love to learn. We take charge of CAPT’s internal and external publicity. With our 4 subcommittees (CAPTlet, Design, Socials, and Tech), we are supporters of every CAPT committee and masters of capturing & creating memories. 

As Ratatouille taught us “anyone can cook”, here in pubs, we believe that “anyone can be an artist”. No experience? No worries! Because we are here to learn from and uplift each other. If you are looking for somewhere to pick up new skills, share your experiences, and find meaning in archiving memories, Pubs might just be the place for you!

The Team


Vice Director of Design

“I have a bestie called Canva”


Vice Director of CAPTLet

Pubs pulled me out of retirement


Vice Director of Socials

“Pubs gives me an excuse to scroll TikTok”


Vice Director of Technology

“I have a bestie called ChatGPT4

Past Projects

Tech Dev
The Technology Development team maintains and improves upon CAPT’s student life website you are currently visiting-! We work with various committees to regularly refresh the website and provide new functions to We also bring in new features to Treeckle, ensuring that CAPTains have the smoothest journey possible when booking their venues!
The Social Media and Event Coverage subcommittee is a team of content creators who manage the @captnus Instagram, TikTok and Youtube accounts. We're there to capture every moment during college events such as Inter-Neighbourhood Games and Arts Showcase, come up with creative ideas to showcase our vibrant student life, as well as engage and interact with CAPTains through social media!
The Design subcommittee is a team of dedicated artists who take charge over merchandise creation and CAPT’s decor, refreshing them in tandem with the college’s events. You may catch us changing the decorations in CAPT’s lifts and notice boards throughout the semester, as we try to make our common areas livelier and more engaging even if it is only a transient space!
Our yearbook team embarks on a journey to capture the memories over the academic year. From design to journaling, we aim to archive CAPTains’ voices and their CAPT life in an aesthetic and impactful way!
Publicity Masterclass
With Publicity Masterclass, we aim to make our skills accessible by sharing them with our CAPTains! As many CAPTains embark on their publicity journey with their respective committees, we hope to equip participants with basic designing skills through fun activities to make their journey a smooth and fruitful one. 


Every moment is a fresh beginning