Active Community Engagement Wing

The 12th ACE Wing hopes to empower CAPTains to shape their own Community Engagement journey, creating an environment that fosters growth through meaningful conversations, celebrates small successes and ultimately outlives their experiences.

Xue Yin



Director's Message

Hello I am Xue Yin the 12th ACE Director! Previously, I was a Project Director under the ACE Wing, and I got the opportunity to plan for a project that I was really interested in, work with my team to see growth in other CAPTains and witness our capabilities to create a change in society. Along the way, I got to learn a lot more about how to be a leader and multiple skills sets under the guidance of various seniors. Hence, I decided to step up as a director so that I am able to share these skills sets and lessons with other CAPTains! Welcome to the 12th ACE Wing and I hope to see you around!

The Team


Relations & Evaluations Vice-Director

“slow down and breathe~”

Jian Liang

Publicity & Awareness Vice-Director

“You’re only Young Once”

Soo Ah

Training & Development Vice-Director

“it comes in waaaves”

Yan Zhuo

Admin & Finance Vice-Director

“live laugh laugh

Past Projects

ACE Elderly
In ACE Elderly, we aim to provide a platform that connects dedicated and compassionate CAPTains with the elderly committee, fostering a culture of mutual empowerment and understanding to fulfil our mission.
ACE Migrants
We seek to forge insightful and meaningful relationships with our fellow migrant brothers, and to broaden CAPTain's awareness of migrant-related issues in Singapore. Through our engagement sessions, we hope to create chances for our migrant brothers to bond among themselves as well.


Every moment is a fresh beginning