CAPT Kamal

Directors of CAPT Kamal

Jane & Huishan

Director's Message

Hello CAPTains, Welcome to Kamal!

Expose, Engage, Empower.

Using education as our platform, Kamal connects with youths to bring perspective and possibilities into their perception of education. In light of Covid-19, Kamal has shifted to being more than just an OSL, currently we are a twin-objective project which focuses on a remote engagement with the youths in India, alongside a local mentorship program with students from QSS.

In Kamal, we believe in learning and growing alongside the youths by being both positive role models, as well as friends. We hope to be a spark in the youth’s lives, bringing about purposeful intangible effects in their future to come. Kamal also strongly believes that CE can exist in any form and we should not be restricted by challenging circumstances. CE is not just understanding and offering support to the respective communities when possible, CE is also about innovating and finding ways to reach out to various communities at all times, especially in worrying times.

So, are you ready to take flight on this journey of CE beyond the borders of Singapore?


Gabriel & Whee Lee

Welfare & Development






Our Mission

For Members: To provide members with opportunities to connect with the youth communities, learn specific skill sets, and to integrate community engagement in their personal lives.

For Overseas Partner: To further the students’ access to education and to provide a platform to encourage learning beyond their classrooms.

For Local Partner: To introduce a source of socio-emotional support and promote thinking outside of their social structure

Our Vision

Expose. Engage. Empower.

Allow the youth and for our team members to discover the potential of education through interpersonal exchanges.

Inspire students to pursue learning beyond what is mandated for them and to take ownership over their learning.

To promote and instill the idea of lifelong learning.

Overseas Service Learning

During pre-Covid times, Kamal members embarked on a 2-week long program to engage with the youths in India. The members got the chance to conduct unique lessons for the youths, teaching skills such as Coding, and immerse themselves in the rich culture of India.

Mentorship with QSS

Queensway Secondary School (QSS)

Inspired by bridging the gap between the students in Singapore and in India, Kamal took on an 8-month long mentorship program with the Normal Technical students in QSS. By taking on the role as a positive role model to the students, we hope to inspire them to think out of their social structure and learn more about the world beyond Singapore.

Engagement with DSF

Dream School Foundation (DSF)

Alongside all the “New Normal” activities, Kamal decided to take our overseas engagement online as well. Kamal organised a 2-week remote engagement program with the youths in India whereby our members personally formulated online lesson plans and sat in during the lessons to engage with the Indian students.