CAPT Kamal

Explore, Engage, Empower. Using education as our platform, CAPT Kamal connects with youths in Bangalore, India, to bring perspective and possibilities to inspire them!

Samiksha Ashok Kumar

Project Director

“Belle’s a princess, she faced the Beast. She stood up to the townspeople. What have you done?”

Tay Yong

Project Director

“When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all, ‘Whaaat?”

Directors' Message

Welcome to CAPT Kamal! We’re Tay Yong and Samiksha, your overly enthusiastic Project Directors for this AY, and we cannot wait to start this wild ride with our team (and somehow survive it ourselves)!

So… what on earth is CAPT Kamal? Glad you asked (or pretended to care)! CAPT Kamal is a student-led Service Learning Group (SLG) where we engage with youths in Bangalore, India. Our mission? To plan and pull off a two-week summer camp for underprivileged kids, teaming up with our awesome partner organization, Dream School Foundation.

We’re all about keeping these kids in the education pipeline and showing them that learning isn’t confined to textbooks. (Spoiler alert: It involves fun activities and, occasionally, us making fools of ourselves.)

Mark your calendars—we’re taking off for Bangalore in May 2025! Follow our adventures (and inevitable bloopers) on Instagram @captkamalcamels. We promise to keep you entertained. 😎🐪

The Team

Adam Chong

Publicity Head

“What do you call it when your friends encourage you to eat more fruit? Pear pressure.”

David Ng

Welfare and Developmental Head

“Wait, they don’t love you like I love you~ @Kamal”

Aloysius Sim

Admin and Finance Head

“Happiness is when debits = credits”

Josalyn Johnasir Shweta

Programmes Head

“Adam is my only friend”

Past Projects

Local Engagement @ Catchplus
Sharing by Dr K
Ex Kamalies x Kamalies
CAPT Kamal 2023
After two years of online engagement amidst COVID-19, CAPT Kamal took flight once again! We were able to physically head down to Bangalore to engage with the youths at Reaching Hand and Dream School Foundation! It was lovely to interact with the kids and we had a very meaningful experience!
CAPT Kamal 2021 & 2022 [ONLINE]
During the COVID-19 Outbreak, CAPT Kamal continued our journey by taking our engagement with our community partners online – Queensway Secondary School and Reaching Hand. Despite the struggles through Zoom, we had a meaningful engagement through our interactions with them!
CAPT Kamal 2019
CAPT Kamal 2019 was the 4th visit to Bangalore! From the 12 to 26 of May, we spent two weeks engaging with Dream School Foundation and Reaching Hand where we engaged with them and taught them soft skills. Check out our website to get a glimpse of our 2019 Trip.
CAPT Kamal 2019 Video


Every moment is a fresh beginning