CAPT Support
We are a community passionate about mental well-being, and we strive to connect CAPTains, to advocate and learn more about mental health, and create a supportive culture in CAPT.

Director's Message
Hi CAPTains!
We are CAPT Support, a community of individuals passionate about mental well-being and we seek to promote awareness and understanding about mental health among CAPTains.
Through our training sessions, CAPT Supporters are educated on mental health issues and are empowered with peer-supporting skills. CAPT Supporters strive to cultivate a safe space for CAPTains and help them learn to be in touch with their emotions and enhance their own well-being.
Our dream is to integrate mental wellness into every facet of CAPT life. By encouraging conversations and connections among CAPTains, we hope to create a caring and supportive culture of affirmation and compassion whereby CAPTains care for the well-being of others and for themselves.
Do join us if you wish to build a supportive culture surrounding mental health!
The Team

Internal Vice Director
“There are bright places even in dark times”

Xin Ru
Outreach Vice Director
“One day at a time”

Developmental Vice Director
“You are more than enough no matter what”

Bin Xin
General Secretary
“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine”

Welfare Executive
“The beginning is always the hardest, don’t give up !”

Jing Yi
Publicity Executive
“Just keep swimming”
Past Projects
Examples of Activities: Personal Sharings by CAPTains, Wellness Activities, Reflections and Discussions
1. Raising awareness on mental health illnesses and how we can support those struggling with them
2. Enabling CAPTains to practice and learn about mindfulness
3. Finding solidarity with other CAPTains via encouraging conversations of mental health
4. Recognising that support is mutually beneficial (being a supportive peer and being supported by others)